Wednesday, December 21, 2011


"Two dollars! That's just great! Oh my god..." The waitress grumbled and trailed off as I handed over the signed debit card receipt. (Ok, hang on... Is that what you call the part you sign and hand back? Then the one you get to keep is also a receipt? I thought the very nature of a receipt was that you got to keep them? I mean the debit card slip you sign and give back isn't a bill. Is it just called a slip? *sigh. If anyone knows can you please tell me in the comments? Thanks.) She wasn't happy. I initially felt bad as I quickly did the very rudimentary math in my head. "That's more than 10%" I THOUGHT SILENTLY TO MYSELF. I've been a big tipper in my life when the service warranted ($50 tip to my favorite waitress the summer of 2002 who never charged me for refills even though it was hotel and diner policy to do so.) Now the service tonight was fine. In fact the way were largely left completely alone was nice. This is because:



So to be able to be rowdy and dance the Korobushka was greatly appreciated, but is inaction a reason to tip? Oh well, let me leave this business about the tip behind as we of course have a greater mission ahead of us, trying to impress Jhondarr's lady with how fun and zany Jhondarr's friends back home are. Or maybe it's just me starving for attention. Anyway, it was absolutely fantastic to see our favorite Texan dance instructor and I look forward to hanging out not only with Jhondarr but everyone who is making it back home this year. Happy holidays to you all and please look me up when you get back! To those of you who will not be able to make it back this year, just know that I love you and I'm thinking of you, and I hope you find a way to have a wonderful holiday season anyway even though it will not be spent in sunny Minot.

Anyway, my vegetarian omelet with all three meats and cheeses added plus 4 cups of coffee came to $19.00 even. The wholeness of this number astonished our server who speculates that she has worked 11 days in the last year.

Now in the year 1900 AD there were some pretty gnarly events. For instance, the first Zeppelin flight took place over Lake Constance in Germany, and without that chances are I would never have had my summer ringtone.

There was some hooohaw over the beginning of Quantum Physics or something. Whatever Max Planck!

In New Haven Connecticut Louis Lassen of Louis' Lunch made the first modern day "Hamburger Sandwich." From my research I've concluded that it must have been some rudimentary form of cheeseburger.

And my my my there were some deaths and births.

Births: Sammy Davis Sr. and Heinrich Himmler

While Oscar Wilde left us. Spinal Meningitis is a bitch. Why the meningitis? Maybe because of Syphilis. Maybe due to a surgery. Or maybe a pimple on his ear. Wikipedia isn't quite sure.

There was the Gold Standard Act, The Boxer Rebellion, and Hawaii became a territory. Yeah I mean I guess that 1900 was a pretty good year, but it wasn't anywhere near as good as it was to see Jhondarr,

Merry Christmas Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. 1948. Harry Truman is reelected in spite of overwhelming odds. Also, in a mostly unrelated side note, Antonin Artaud, the Schizophrenic French playwright and originator and advocate of "The Theatre of Cruelty" dies of a drug overdose.

    "Artaud believed that theatre should affect the audience as much as possible, therefore he used a mixture of strange and disturbing forms of lighting, sound, and other performance elements." Wikipedia

    His self induced habit of sleepwalking got him kicked out of the French Army very quickly during World War 1. His career only started at the age of 24. Remind you of anyone? Clearly, if it did, that would just make you insane. Or just insanely tolerant and non-paranoid.

    To answer your question about tips: No one I know is willing to accept my tips without freaking out about them, slipping into pretentious, oversensitive and ultimately insensitive paranoia, then ceasing communication with me. Except actual service professionals, who do seem to appreciate a good tip when they get one :) And are actually tough.

    I never figured out why Jack Nicholson couldn't just relax and enjoy the Overlook Hotel more. Maybe you know? I mean, the brutal hidden history of the place shouldn't really bother anybody. As long as it's aesthetically pleasing and provides good food and liquor, you can have a wonderful artistic party there. When you sell your soul for a drink, your credit is always very good from that point on. Sure, the screaming of the ghosts gets to some people, but they just have issues with inappropriate behavior. Just don't give that bastard a croquet mallet!

    God Bless Us- Everyone!
