123. January 23rd twothousandtwelve.
The reopening of Ebeneezer's. Boom. Shaka. Laka.
Can't you just sense their excitement?
But for real now.
I woke up this morning without a thought in my head. As I was grinding some coffee beans wondering if I'd wake up the band from Syracuse that were sleeping on Teddy's fold out couch. I then hear a stumbling and a rumbling coming from the floor above. It was the kind of noise I usually hear when I've woken up the dog in the morning and he's coming down to see just what the hell all the fuss is about. But I realized that Teddy was mounting a semi-non-violent insurrection for control of the couch in the living room.
So I was only a little surprised when it was Billy who came bounding down the steps. We quickly got on to the subject of breakfast. Billy informed me Jake had received a bit of a premonition the night before about me hitting him up for Ebeneezer's in the morning. Two things you should know here: 1. Jake and I are great boys for getting breakfast. 2. Ebeneezer's is open again TODAY! After being shut down for an eternity after the flood. Not wanting to let him down I promptly rescheduled my day and started pounding on his bedroom door.
We rode on pins and needles all the way to Ebeneezer's. Will it be open? If it is, will we get a place to sit? Will they still know how to make a 'Beneez Burger? A Fat Frog?
As you can see our fears were totally dispelled. The food was delicious, the environment was shiny and new but still felt like home. A 'Beneez Burger with chips and a Pepsi costs $10.17. Awesome!
Now, for the year 1017 AD. Boring.
Here's the entire wikipedia article.
So, now I should be nice. Canute, Acclaimed king of England apparently became "Acclaimed" that year and got married. I do not know if they threw rice or porridge at the wedding. Wikipedia doesn't say.
Kiev burned. So probably not to boring for Kiev-ites. Also, they started building a big church.
In Africa Sunnis (like Teddy for the sofa) revolted against some Shi'ites. Some things never change.
In short, Ebeneezer's is back. Go there now. Tip your waitress. Go Minot!